French for Beginners.

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French for Beginners.

I – Time in French

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The Basics of French: Verb Tenses

Present Tense (Le Présent)

The present tense in French is used to describe actions happening now, habitual actions, or general truths. It’s similar to the simple present and present progressive in English.

Formation: For regular verbs, remove the infinitive ending (-er, -ir, or -re) and add the appropriate ending based on the subject.

SubjectVerb Parler (to speak)Translation
JeparleI speak / I am speaking
TuparlesYou speak / You are speaking
Il / Elle / OnparleHe / She / It speaks / is speaking
NousparlonsWe speak / We are speaking
VousparlezYou speak / You are speaking (formal/plural)
Ils / EllesparlentThey speak / They are speaking

Past Tense (Le Passé)

French has several past tenses, but we’ll focus on two of the most common: le passé composé and l’imparfait.

a) Passé Composé

Used for completed actions in the past.

Formation: Auxiliary verb (avoir or être) in present tense + past participle of the main verb.


  • J’ai mangé une pomme. (I ate an apple.)
  • Nous sommes allés au cinéma. (We went to the cinema.)
SubjectAvoir (to have)Manger (to eat)Translation
J’ai mangéI ate
Tuas mangéYou ate
Il / Elle / Ona mangéHe / She / It ate
Nousavons mangéWe ate
Vousavez mangéYou ate (formal/plural)
Ils / Ellesont mangéThey ate

b) Imparfait

Used to describe ongoing or habitual actions in the past.

Formation: Remove the -ons from the nous form of the present tense and add the following endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.


  • Quand j’étais enfant, je jouais souvent au parc. (When I was a child, I often played in the park.)

c) Passé Composé with Être

Used with verbs of movement (aller, venir, entrer, etc.) and reflexive verbs.

SubjectÊtre (to be)Aller (to go)Translation
Jesuis allé(e)I went
Tues allé(e)You went
Il / Elle / Onest allé(e)He / She / It went
Noussommes allé(e)sWe went
Vousêtes allé(e)(s)You went (formal/plural)
Ils / Ellessont allé(e)sThey went

Future Tense (Le Futur)

The future tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future.

Formation: For regular verbs, use the infinitive and add specific endings: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont.

SubjectVerb Parler (to speak)Translation
JeparleraiI will speak
TuparlerasYou will speak
Il / Elle / OnparleraHe / She / It will speak
NousparleronsWe will speak
VousparlerezYou will speak (formal/plural)
Ils / EllesparlerontThey will speak