French for Beginners.

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French for Beginners.

V – Basic verbs conjugaisons.

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1. Present Tense of Regular Verbs

In French, there are three main groups of regular verbs, categorized by their infinitive endings: -er, -ir, and -re.

a) -ER verbs (e.g., parler – to speak)

Remove the -er and add these endings:

JeparleI speak
TuparlesYou speak
Il / Elle / OnparleHe/She/It speaks
NousparlonsWe speak
VousparlezYou speak (formal/plural)
Ils / EllesparlentThey speak

b) -IR verbs (e.g., finir – to finish)

Remove the -ir and add these endings:

JefinisI finish
TufinisYou finish
Il / Elle / OnfinitHe/She/It finishes
NousfinissonsWe finish
VousfinissezYou finish (formal/plural)
Ils / EllesfinissentThey finish

c) -RE verbs (e.g., vendre – to sell)

Remove the -re and add these endings:

JevendsI sell
TuvendsYou sell
Il / Elle / OnvendHe/She/It sells
NousvendonsWe sell
VousvendezYou sell (formal/plural)
Ils / EllesvendentThey sell

2. Common Irregular Verbs

Some of the most frequently used French verbs are irregular and do not follow the regular conjugation patterns.

a) Être (to be)

JesuisI am
TuesYou are
Il / Elle / OnestHe/She/It is
NoussommesWe are
VousêtesYou are (formal/plural)
Ils / EllessontThey are

b) Avoir (to have)

J’aiI have
TuasYou have
Il / Elle / OnaHe/She/It has
NousavonsWe have
VousavezYou have (formal/plural)
Ils / EllesontThey have

c) Aller (to go)

JevaisI go
TuvasYou go
Il / Elle / OnvaHe/She/It goes
NousallonsWe go
VousallezYou go (formal/plural)
Ils / EllesvontThey go

d) Faire (to do/make)

JefaisI do / I make
TufaisYou do / You make
Il / Elle / OnfaitHe/She/It does/makes
NousfaisonsWe do / We make
VousfaitesYou do / You make (formal/plural)
Ils / EllesfontThey do / They make

Understanding these basic conjugations is crucial for constructing sentences in French. Regular verb conjugations follow predictable patterns, while irregular verbs, though not following these patterns, are often among the most commonly used verbs in the language.