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Introduction to data analysis

Explore the secrets of data analysis and learn how to transform raw information into valuable insights with our exciting “Introduction to Data Analysis” course!

100% Free



16 to 20 hours of lessons

Français - English


Welcome to our free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
This MOOC is designed for beginners who want to learn about data analysis. Our aim is to provide you with the fundamental skills needed to understand, manipulate and interpret data in a variety of contexts. The content of this course is based in part on Prince George’s Community College’s “Chapter 1: An Introduction to Analyzing Data”. E-newcademy has adapted and enriched this content under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, enabling us to offer you this training free of charge and without any commercial purpose.
In this MOOC, you’ll learn the basics of data analysis, how to use Excel for data analysis, an introduction to data analysis with Python, and how to mine economic data using FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data). This course is completely free of charge and requires no previous experience of data analysis. You’ll learn how to use a variety of tools such as Excel, Python and FRED for data analysis, while benefiting from quality educational content, adapted and enriched for your learning.
Join us on this exciting adventure in data analysis and gain valuable skills for your professional or academic future!

Associated skills: Data science – Excel – Python – Visualization

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This will help to get your skills recognized in your industry.
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Module 1: Introduction to Data Analysis

Module 2: Data Collection and Preparation

Module 3: Introduction to descriptive statistics

Module 4: Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Module 5: Python for Data Science – Introduction and Visualization

Frequently Asked Questions​

No minimum required, whether in terms of educational level or experience level.
Everyone is welcome!

No, the course is open access and completely free, you don’t have to pay anything.

No, Free MOOCs do not allow you to earn university credits.
Free MOOCs can allow you to obtain knowledge and skills for free and have them valued by employers in your industry.

This course uses content from Prince George’s Community College under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International) license.

This means we can use and remix it to present it to learners. The content is non-commercial and you will not be charged any fees or advertising.

Free MOOCs are recognized for their ability to offer practical knowledge and skills in an accessible and free way. Although they do not
usually provide university credits, they are often appreciated by employers and educational institutions for their added value in terms of professional and personal development. Certificates obtained at the end of these courses can be used to enrich a CV,
demonstrate expertise in a specific field and open up career opportunities. In addition, Free MOOCs are often supported by renowned universities and companies, which strengthens their credibility and recognition.

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Languages : français – english


Languages : français – english


Languages : français – english


Languages : français – english

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